Hypnotherapy for Fears, Phobias and Trauma
A multi-modality approach to resolving strong emotional or physical responses to triggering situations. Desensitise any challenging memories using the latest Multichannel Eye Movement Integration (MEMI) treatment.
​Reprogram that harsh inner critic that tries to tell you, you can't do things. Learn self-hypnosis to calm and centre yourself, and rehearse your success through hypnosis until you know that you can succeed.
Hypnosis for Trauma
and Flashbacks
Multichannel Eye Movement Integration (MEMI), focuses on your reactions to an event or memory rather than the event itself
Desensitise traumatic memories without ever having to talk about the event
Reduce reactions to auditory triggers
Reduce physical feelings and emotions associated with visual memories or flashbacks
Hypnosis for Fear of Going to the Dentist
Experience being in control of your thoughts and emotions at the dentist
Discover your own power to control your level of comfort
Learn how to connect to a time and place that feels good, rather than to the treatment itself
Gain control of your breathing and release tension in the body
Client Feedback
"Thanks for today. I feel much more calm about about my appointment. I think you're in the exact profession you were meant for"
Helping client with a fear of going to the dentist
Hypnosis for Fear of Driving
Learn how to stay focused on what you are doing rather than catastrophising
Discover how to stay in control of your breathing and keep your body calm
Take charge of your thoughts and develop strategies to keep them on track
Handle roundabouts, traffic lights, junctions and highways safely and confidently
Hypnosis for Fear of Flying
Learn how to release negative thoughts about flying that have been holding you back
Gain control of your emotions so that you can think clearly and act calmly
Start focusing on the destination rather than the journey
Arrive feeling more comfortable and able to enjoy your trip​
Client Feedback
"I feel so much better and confident in things I am doing. I am able to do things spontaneously without worrying about anything and not trying to control everything. I am able to freely delegate things to others instead of trying to do everything myself and do so with a clear mind."
Nicola G
Hypnosis for Fear of Heights
Free yourself from catastrophic thoughts
Gain control of your breathing and emotions
Learn how to distinguish between anxiety and exhilaration
Develop new strategies that allow you to explore the world around you comfortably
Hypnosis for Fear of Confined Spaces
Disconnect emotions from past negative experiences
Understand the processes in the mind and the body that lead to panic attacks and know what to do instead
Switch off unhelpful thoughts and feelings and replace them with supportive ones
Connect to your inner resources and discover that you can handle things
Hypnosis for Animal Phobias
Release emotions from previous negative interactions
Learn self-hypnosis to keep you calm around birds, spiders, mice, dogs, and other animals
Stay in control of your physical state around images or real animals
Client Feedback
"Very helpful in relieving my stress and anxiety.
Left feeling very relaxed"
Gemma G